F.E.D.V. ovens are mainly employed for the following applications:
– Elimination of plastic residues from filters, extrusion dies, moulds and other components coming from the plastic transformation cycle.
– Elimination of wastes coming from plastic transformation avoiding disposal costs.
– Elimination of plastic residues on diamond wires used in marble transformation.

Main advantages:
– Direct heating through electric resistances with temperatures up to 450°C so that it not damages or deforms metal parts.
– Depuration of gas coming from pyrolitic process thanks to a postcombustion chamber. Dimensions of the postcombustion chamber are conceived according to the dimension of the treatment chamber, it allows the fumes to stay in the chimney with temperatures of 800°C for the right time.
– Low energy consumption thanks to insulation system.
– Short cycle according to the quantity of material into the oven.
– Compliance with the health and safety regulations in force.
The oven is composed by:
– Stainless steel treatment chamber.
– Electric resistances placed in different parts of the oven in order to have uniform temperature inside the chamber.
– Electric resistances inside the 310 stainless steel postcombustion chamber.
– Electric control panel
– Air valve able to put oxygen into the treatment chamber so that it is possible to fasten the cycle and let the process be uniform.
– Stainless steel insulated chimney.
Ovens are supplied fully assembled and tested; they are built in compliance with the Europea regulations in force.
Standard Ovens.
Browse the gallery to see all our versions of standard electrical vertical destroying ovens.
Special Versions.
We could supply also special versions of our ovens able to follow every single need of our Customers.